I took a little more time and did some highlighting and applied a darker wash. I'm less than pleased with the way the Nuln Oil shade left the mini looking dirty in most of the bone colored areas, but the highlights did a world of good. The pictures don't do the mini justice even after some editing. I'll need to come up with a better way to take pics in my new place.
The new version of the chapter badge is something that I'm very satisfied with, working from a reference image was quite helpful, that and reducing it to a series of simple shapes and easy to recreate brushstrokes. It has a classic appeal that reminds me of some of the art drew me to Warhammer 40,000 so many years ago. I don't know if I'll be adding to the minis heraldry and markings, perhaps a campaign badge of my own devising, something simple but striking, lightning bolts spring to mind. Thanks for reading and Gloria in Morte.
I'd say wait until he's actually been through some games, and then revisit a squad/ marine that did well and apply an appropriate honor badge/ purity seal/ healdric marking